
Our strawberry varieties

Everbearing Varieties

Varieties able to flower throughout the entire growing season, providing an extended production window for several months. They are commonly used in soil-free production systems in protected environments (tunnel, greenhouse).

High chill requirement varieties are available, suitable for production from spring to autumn in continental climates. They can also be used for double-season production in autumn and spring. Evaluations are underway to offer reflowering varieties with low chill requirements as well.

Junebearing varieties with High Chilling Requirements

Varieties typically used for spring-summer production in temperate continental climates.

They are suitable for both soil-based and soil-free production systems, in protected environments as well as in open fields.

Junebearing varieties with Low Chilling Requirements

Varieties typically used for winter-spring production in Mediterranean and subtropical climates.

They are primarily used in soil-based production systems in protected environments, such as tunnels, but can also be employed in soil-free systems.

Contact us and discover the perfect variety to increase your productivity

Every fruit and vegetable project has unique needs and requires tailored solutions to succeed. Get in touch with us to explore how we can help you develop it, maximizing production quality and delivering a unique experience to the consumer.